Sunday, 8 January 2012

Sky High Rye

This pale ale from Arcadia Brewing Company in Battle Creek, Michigan pours a hazy, golden color with bright white head along the top that leaves a good amount of sticky, good-looking lacing around the glass. You can smell the rye without getting your nose too close though it's not overwhelming, and there are other citrus and wood smells that compliment it well. The rye really hits you in the taste though. There are some pretty good, flowery hops but the bit of rye does a great job combining with the hops to make an easy to drink beer. It has a way of making itself sort of sweet tasting with the way it lasts even after you've finished your gulp. I would recommend this to anyone that wants to try a rye beer, or even a pale ale. The label also helped to draw me into trying this one; I love the style of Arcadia's labels.

Rating: 87/100

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