Friday, 4 May 2012


Cinco de Mayo Beer #5

Bohemia looks great in a glass with it's pale golden color and big, white foamy head. The smells are mostly of corn and malts like other Mexican beers, but this one is a little bit stronger and there seems to be more hop smell coming out which is nice for a change.

This beer isn't the normal American adjunct lager like most of the Mexican beers I've tried. There's a perfect amount of hops in it to give it a little more going on than most from the country. There's a good balancing with malts in here too so it's not too close to a pale ale, and there are even some citrus flavors in it which are strong enough to not require the addition of a lime! It's a great, lighter beer to drink that isn't too watery. I'll be honest, I was shocked when I first drank this beer because I assumed it would be similar to other Mexican beers I've had, but was pleased to be proven wrong. This has definitely challenged for a place as my favorite Mexican beer.

Style: German Pilsener

Rating: 85/100

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